Top 3 Puppy Potty Training Tips
As a new Mom to a Chocolate American Cocker Spaniel, his name is Sir Jax, I know and understand that potty training a puppy can be a very challenging endeavor. Here are a few tips and tricks that I have learned on my journey, and a few fun potty training items to help along the way too!
First, and probably most important, get your puppy on a feeding schedule. Dogs love schedules! Make sure to feed your fur babies at the same time every day. Wait about 5 or 10 minutes after they eat or drink water and get them outside quickly!
Second, after nap time or waking up in the morning. Dogs are like humans in this respect. When we first wake up we usually have to go to the restroom, so do our dogs!! So, anytime your pup closes their eyes, even for 5 minutes, get them outside to take care of their business!
Finally, just watch your pup, when you see them sniffing around, that is a sure sign to get them outside. My Boy, Sir Jax, gets super grumpy when he has to go. His biting will be harder and his stubbornness will get worse. This means either he needs a nap, or he needs to go outside.
Lastly everybody, remember when your babies do go to the bathroom outside or on pad, make sure to praise them to the moon and back! Dogs LOVE to make their owners happy and proud. I honestly believe this is the best way to reward your Dogs. With love, pride and praise! I know my Sir Jax has actually gone through the doggie door twice now by himself to go potty. He is coming along! Be patient, Be loving, Be kind and your Puppy's will adore you forever!
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